Saturday 24 September 2011

Early Brick

Heysham Obs
Messy south/south-westerly weather again this morning with bits of vis mig trickling through (sampled 0945-1015) and grounded Meadow Pipit on Ocean Edge

Vis mig office 0945-1015
This was prompted by 13 Meadow Pipit coming in-off and joining 15 grounded birds (plus 4 albas) whilst covering Ocean Edge 0925-0940
Grey Wagtail - 1+1 (second bird landed by obs t pond)
Meadow Pipit - 27
alba Wagtail - 9
Goldfinch - 12
Chaffinch - just 8

Ocean Edge/Red Nab/outfalls
Greenshank - one OE saltmarsh creek (plus 11 Dunlin)
Shelduck - down to 61!
Knot - 250 Red Nab
Med gull - much reduced number of gulls on Red Nab & just 1 x 1CY and 1 x Ad
Little Gull - both 2CY and Ad on Red Nab
Arctic tern - just 2 juvs could be seen on the outfalls whilst scoping from OE foreshore

Grounded Heysham NR
Chiffchaff - two
Goldcrest - 5

Grey Squirrel alder wood

Brick was a major surprise as they are usually a scarce late autumn species here
Thanks Alan

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