Monday 19 September 2011

More than one Greenshank at last!

Heysham Obs
Strange how some common species can be unexpectedly scarce at seemingly suitable local patches - Greenshank and Golden Plover are two examples here..................and Black-tailed Godwit seems to have reverted to its 'notable' status this autumn, especially with all the work-related extra attention given to waders

Ocean Edge/outfalls area on and off all day
Greenshank - two Ocean Edge saltmarsh creek - the first time more than one has been recorded here!
Little Gull - ad & 2CY
Arctic Tern - 4 juvs and an adult early on but these seemed to disappear during the afternoon
Common Tern - one juv
Med Gull - 4 adult, one darvic-ringed 2CY (no chance of reading it but it was 'darkish' with white letters), 2 1CY
Kittiwake - single adult behind the IOM ferry
Turnstone - 52 Red Nab at high tide
Bar-tailed Godwit - there have been quite a few juveniles remaining close inshore feeding in the creeks this autumn, 'replacing' the Black-tailed Godwits doing exactly the same thing last autumn - Black-tailed Godwit have been conscpicuous by their absence.  This is additional to a large synchronised "tideline" flock of Barwits which seems to comprise mainly adults

Vis mig by the office
House Martin - 3 south mid-afternoon
The meagre haul in the morning will be posted later but did include a group of three Grey Wagtail, one of which was caught and ringed in a very optimistic mist net which was otherwise devoid of avian life

A fastish walk round Heysham NR produced 2 Chiffchaff

Half Moon bay (Evening)
Wheatear - 1

Nothing startling; included Treble Bar with Pink-barred Sallow taking over the 'commonest species' mantle

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