Thursday 29 September 2011

Routine morning enhanced by minor vis mig highlights

Heysham Obs
A full morning's coverage with vis mig and one or two mist nets was disappointing until after the vis session had finished!  Best was a late southbound flava Wagtail at 1125hrs, scarce at the best of times over here

Vis mig 0715-0915, then casual observation - all counts 0715-0915
Chaffinch - 177 SW
alba Wagtail - 18 SE
flava Wagtail - one due south at 1125hrs
Grey Wagtail - 4 SE
Meadow Pipit - not many early on, more after 0915! - 48 SE
Greenfinch - 10 SW
Reed Bunting - 1 SE
Goldfinch - 22 S
Coal Tit - about 25 south, including flock of 15
Blue Tit - dribs and drabs heading south = approx 25 birds but no flocks
Long-tailed Tit - unringed flock of 11 passed through
Dunnock - at least 3 headed south as though they were on the move & two unringed birds caught
Crossbill - unfortunately could not see them (extracting birds from mist net) but at least two headed south(ish) at 0945
Skylark - 2 SE
Tree Sparrow - 2 headed NE at 1010hrs
Siskin - after reports of loads over Caton and Hutton Roof, the first and only (heard once) was at 1100hrs
Swallow - one appeared at 1200hrs - the first of the day

Really disappointing other than tit movement
Goldcrest - maximum of 3 below the obs tower
Chiffchaff - just four passed through
Whitethroat - late bird with fat score of 3/4 and weight of 17.9grams
Robin - a lot of chasing and ticking at dawn, but seemed to melt away with only one unringed bird caught

Basic monitoring produced about 30 new birds, including a Grey Wagtail, but otherwise mainly Blue & Coal Tit, Chaffinch and Greenfinch

Ocean Edge/Red Nab high tide
Birdless as usual at high (spring) tide
Ringed Plover - 8 on OE beach
Little Gull - ad sat on sea off Ocean Edge saltmarsh

Increase in Red Admiral with at least 5 seen, two of which were heading south

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