Wednesday 7 September 2011

Squalls arrive too late in the day

Heysham Obs

Intermittent seawatching from about 0800 to 1330
Leach's Petrel - one at lunchtime just beyond Clarke's wharf heading slowly out
Manx Shearwater - 2 'early' morning & 2 others mid-morning
Common Tern - at least 4, including juv on the outfalls from late morning
Arctic Tern - at least 7 with juv on outfalls throughout & ad there late pm
Kittiwake - 8 behind the IOM ferry

Seawatching c1730-1930
Leach's Petrel - 1 'in' distantly, turning back on itself twice, before 'wheeling' in at 1848hrs overlapping with the first:
Fulmar - one out at 1848, 2 out at 1925
Bonxie (Great Skua) - one chasing two small gull spp at about 1745hrs
Kittiwake - 4-5 behind freight ferries, one adult out

Red Nab/Ocean Edge/outfalls area
Grey Plover - c385
Bar-tailed Godwit - c1,800
Wigeon - first of autumn
Med Gull - at least 5 1CY and 2-3 adults
Little Gull - 2CY and adult
Terns - see above
Wheatear - 7 'early' morning

Half Moon Bay (evening)
Wheatear - 4

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