Monday 10 October 2011

More seawatching mediocrity but a decent midday ferry haul

Heysham Obs
Persistence just about paid off........
North harbour wall 0800-1130hrs; Red nab x 2 brief visits
Leach's Petrel - 3 out at by 1100hrs (0815,0900,1100)
Arctic Tern - 3 x juvenile, 2-3 tern spp, probably Arctic, out
Gannet - one out and possibly the same one behind the ferry.
Common Scoter - one in then out again.
Wigeon - 4 out, 7 Red Nab
Kittiwake - 26-30 behind IOM ferry, 15+ 1CY
Little Gull - probably the same wide-ranging adult
Med Gull - 2 adults and at least one 1CY - one of adults the Czech-ringed bird
Kingfisher - one along the inner north harbour wall
Twite/Linnet - mixed flock of 21 but very mobile (at least 9 Linnet)
Ringed Plover - 17 on heliport, 16 Ocean Edge beach

Goldcrest - one by office, 2 NE corner of reserve
Chiffchaff - one by office and a brownish individual with a shrill call in the NE corner
Siskin - one off-passage by office
Song Thrush - 2 possible migrants the only remote evidence of any thrush passage here

Included Feathered Thorn (new for the year) and another Large Wainscot

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