Friday 7 October 2011

The IOM ferry golden touch!

Heysham Obs
After a very routine operation covering the tide cycle on the south side, preceded by a wander around the mound area, a break between counts allowed the incoming IOM ferry to be perused..........

IOM ferry arrival from north harbour wall
Sabine's Gull - juvenile behind the ferry c1215hrs, then lost behind the outer section of the wooden jetty and distracted by:
Brent Goose - almost certainly dark-bellied - two flew 'in' quite close inshore, but fumbled around before finding them in the scope & whilst the bellies looked dark, the angle of observation was a bit 'tail-on'.  Then then lifted the scope off the window & noticed:
Shag - juvenile on the sea below the north wall, then flew up the bay towards the stone jetty as the ferry entered the harbour
Then tried to relocate the Sabs & couldnt find it - presumably it had flown back out along the boat channel line
Kittiwake - 2 1CY behind the ferry
Med Gull - see below
Vis mig by the office 0715-0730
Chaffinch - 14 SW
Greenfinch - 5 SW
alba Wagtail - 2 SE

Vis mig etc north harbour wall 0745-0815
Meadow Pipit - 41 SE
alba Wagtail - 12 SE
Wheatear - 2 together
Med Gull - 4 adults & 3 1CY (later seen following the ferry into port) - one of the adults was the Czech-ringed bird
Little Gull - adult dip-feeding in the harbour mouth

Ocean Edge/Red Nab etc
Little Stint - at least one juvenile with 1,500+ Dunlin

At least 3 Red Admiral and two Small Tortoiseshell around the office.  Brick was a notable record in the moth trap

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