Sunday 23 October 2011

Wet vis

Heysham Obs
Quite a bit of vis whilst sheltering behind the office between 0815 and 0845

Vis 0815-0845
Redwing - 143 SW plus 8 out of bushes, then inland
Fieldfare - 19 SW
Chaffinch - 22 SW
Greenfinch - c15 SW
Goldfinch - 6 SW
Starling - 220+250 SW (not ex-roost?)
Siskin (heard once)
alba Wagtail - 4 SE

at least 25 Blackbird by office/tank farm at 0815

Med Gull - 1CY on the north wall railings & ad Red Nab
Guillemot - one inshore (thanks Mark)
Twinnet - about 27 Twite and 8 Linnet but very flighty
Wigeon - at least 75 Red Nab
Kingfisher - one inner end of Heysham one outfall
Little Gull - adult outer end of Heysham one outfall
Rock Pipit - one by the 'wheel'
Thorough but negative search for Black Redstart around the harbour and visible parts of the Power Station site.  If any power station workers are reading this, please keep an eye open for this species during the coming week's weather and drop me an e-mail (see sidebar).  Thanks

No moths (SE wind into window c/p 140 in the Millhouses trap!), but two Red Admiral flying south and one 'blogging' in the Nature Park during quite dull conditions for butterflies........but unseasonally warm.  c8 social wasps seen today.

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