Tuesday 2 October 2012

Stop and start vis mig

Heysham Obs
The absence of Blue Tits, with no flocks at all seen this autumn and only 21 ringed (all singles) in August/September contrasts with 87,400 passing thought Falsterbo yesterday!  Disruptive weather produced disrupted vis mig this morning and seemed to close the corridor across the Bay with observations limited to:

Thanks for these, Janet, there were up to 14 Meds on Ocean Edge grass at high tide, 3 of them on the lower pic.  Top pic = the long-staying Common Tern

0745-0815hrs office area
Chaffinch - 38 SW
Goldfinch - 19 SW
Siskin - 2 S
alba Wagtail - 13 SE
Meadow Pipit - 7 SE

Outfalls area low tide, then lunchtime high tide visit
Med Gull - 8 1CY (one metal-ringed above tarsus, top line starting with letter 'S'), 2 Ad, 5 2CY (one ringed below tarsus on right leg), almost all initially on seaward end of Heysham one outfall, then 14 roosting on Ocean Edge grassy foreshore at high tide
Little Gull - ad heysham 2 outfall
Black Tern - juv still on seaward end of heysham one outfall, then heysham 2 at high tide
Common Tern - juv outfalls at least high tide

A late Treble Bar was the first for a few days and probably the last of the year

Late afternoon walk round reserve perimeter
Goldcrest - 2
Song Thrush - 2 presumed migrants
Speckled Wood - 6
Nettle Tap Moth - 2 in mist net ride next to office (45E), one north end (46A)
Migrant Hawker - one NE corner (5 in the nature park yesterday along with ovipositing pair of Common Darter and a single male Common Darter)

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