Wednesday 24 December 2014

Chiffchaff, Jack Snipe and Shag top the bill

Heysham Obs
Did a full circuit today. Some interesting, if not spectacular, sightings:
11 mute. I new adult causing particularly un-festive ructions.
10 moorhen (all but 1 in field adjacent to Tim Butler)
6 mallard
2 tufted
60+ teal counted on water (Tim Butler pond)
1 meadow pipit
1 chiffchaff (seen only)
I grey wagtail ringed. Hard to pick colours, as every time I got close a blackbird moved the wagtail on. Pretty sure right leg was red over white. There was something on left leg, whatever it was, it was pale.  This wintering bird was ringed on 20th September and seen on 16th November
OE Salt Marsh 1 hour before high tide.
4 RB Merganser
23 linnet
1 reed bunting
5 common snipe
2 jack snipe
The only thing along South Wall, apart from mountainous waves and BHGs was a single Pink Foot struggling in waves. It seemed to be waterlogged.
1CY shag by waterfall in harbour (almost eye level at times!).
Malcolm Downham

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