Thursday 1 January 2015

10k square mode

Heysham Obs
Happy New Year everyone and hope you have all recovered from this horrible chesty cold or whatever it is.  This knocked thoughts of the M62/A64 via Pugneys getting xxxx wet through on the head and opted for a bit of coverage of the January 10km square survey we have been doing for about 10 years now. 

The Patchwork Challenge didn't happen last year - partly my computer skills and partly the computer not liking some of the methodology, so it all became rather too time-consuming.  Will make a real effort this year.  The other NY Res. - not swearing at inconsiderate drivers - lasted about half a day.

The cutting edge fieldcraft today unfortunately failed, but at least produced a species which has been very thin on the ground so far this winter.  This was to sit in the car waiting for the midday IOM ferry as the only possible mobile food source today which might attract the Knott End Glaucous and drag it within viewing range.  The problem was it probably could not even see the ferry

North wall SD36V
Twite - 2 (single white colour rings on both)
Linnet - 7
Goldfinch - 14
Med Gull - Czech-ringed adult
Shag - 1CY along inner harbour by sandworks wall
Robin - 2
Dunnock - 1
Pied Wagtail - 1
Starling - 14
Feral Pigeon - 6
Magpie - 2
Wren - 1

IOM ferry
Kittiwake - one adult
Large gulls - c75

Heliport area
Meadow Pipit - at least 2, prob 3

Bluebottle - one NR kitchen - a notable new years day record
No moths


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