Monday 19 January 2015

Goldeneye top the bill

Heysham Obs
Circuits of the reserve and Middleton today plus some low tide offshore coverage in the afternoon.  Thanks Malcolm.

3 Blackbird and a Song Thrush in SD35 by gate 38 yesterday with at least 2 Blackbird today.  Two Blackbird NHW today.  No other indication of any possible CWM other than Malcolm's Redwing at Middleton today

Offshore low tide
Red-throated Diver - 1
Goldeneye - 2 males
Duck - 7 at extreme range were probably 2m, 5f Scaup but couldn't clinch in slight 'heat' haze - worth checking for tomorrow?
Eider - 147

2CY Shag by grill again

Heysham NR wetland circuit
Woodcock - one alder woodland
Reed Bunting - one male (unusual)
Jay - 2
Water Rail - at least one, prob two

Middleton NR
Only isolated pockets of open water
4 adult + 6 2CY mute swan
2 mallard
16 teal
1 pheasant
3 bullfinch
5 redwing

OE saltmarsh (2 hours after high tide)
7 mallard
2 little egret
10 common snipe
1 jack snipe
2 reed bunting

No sign of the Bluebottle in HNR kitchen today.

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