Monday 23 February 2015

Gulls and chips

Heysham Obs
Don't know whether the rubbish tip charges for excess cooked chips, but bucketfuls of the fatty remains of the previous evenings calorie-fest appeared from the back of a van and were deposited in the general direction of the Mute Swans on the model boat pond.  The episode was hijacked by hordes of gulls and if, this is repeated, this could be promising.  196 Herring/LBBG, 310 Black-headed with at least 4 Common Gulls with some undoubtedly missed still swirling around in the air.  Quite commendable as many other places would simply reheat the chips for today's fare

North harbour wall
Finches - 27 - amazingly 9 Twite (5+ unringed), 9 Linnet and 9 Goldfinch
Med Gull - Czech-ringed bird nearly in full summer plumage - only a week or so to go before departure

Model boat pond
See above
Pochard - 3 males
Tufted Duck - c7
Mallard -  5

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