Wednesday 18 March 2015

Migration up half a notch

Heysham Obs
The only coverage today was a small amount of ringing around the office

Office area 0800 onwards
Meadow pipit - at least 20
Goldcrest - 15ish with 7 newly ringed
Robin - migrant ringed
Sparrow hawk - 1cy male ringed

Mark Breaks "managed to locate one of our Grey Wagtails at last!" at Lostock Hall yesterday, just south of Preston.  A difficult one to categorise as the spring passage is in full flow at the moment and it may have been a temporary location.  Ringed as a 1CY at Middleton NR on 27/8/14.

Also note in the right sidebar that the Heysham Bird Observatory report is now available, but only a limited number of copies have been printed so far, so please grab one quickly to avoid delay

Two unringed Goldcrest (at least) caught this morning - possibly more to add when I finally get there!

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