Saturday 7 March 2015

Pelagic trickle

Heysham Obs
No seawatching as such today but still Little Gull and Kittiwake noted in short time periods so probably some Kittiwake flocks at least missed in the wind

BEWARE: There is still about 100m of road cones on the bypass and as a result they have kept the whole stretch from the Overton roundabout to the recycling centre roundabout on 30mph.  Apparently loads of people were done either today or yesterday thinking the limit had been lifted as no obvious hazard for the vast majority of this stretch and the signs at the Overton roundabout end look a bit dumped to one side and 'derelict'.  Every respect for their job in necessary 30 mph  limits, but covering the whole of this stretch is taking the xxxx, presumably because they cannot be bothered to move the 30mph signs to a relevant/reasonable distance either side of the cones

Outfalls area (thanks Malcolm)
Wigeon - 67
Cormorant - 14 feeding on Heysham 2
Kittiwake - 3 adults Heysham one
Snipe - 8 Ocean Edge
Reed Bunting - 1 Ocean Edge

Offshore etc north wall very briefly
Little Gull - two adults on sea, both lifting off briefly
Black-headed Gull - 110 Fishers roof
Herring Gull - 72 Fishers roof
LBBG - 29 Fishers roof
Finches - about 25 - at least 3 Twite

Seriously disturbed over the high tide according to angler
Peel Energy have promised to get the fencing sorted over the summer at latest as a planning condition of their single turbine application which has been passed.

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