Thursday 12 March 2015

Tasty gull influx

Heysham Obs
Good coverage this morning but quite a strong wind impeded searching.  A good number of immature gulls on and around the outfalls area - good magnet - worth keeping tabs on or seeing what comes and goes over an hour or so, as per todays 3CY Med.  Usual overhead trickle went up a notch and a Chiffchaff in the brambles along the sheltered west harbour wall was a definite migrant

Thanks Janet - all taken at Middleton

Vis mig 0810-0930
Meadow Pipit - 128
Pied Wagtail - 24
Grey Wagtail - 1
Whooper Swan - flock of 5

Kittiwake - two adults still
Med Gull - 3CY for about 15 minutes, then south
Wigeon - 107
Common Gull - 71
see above

Chiffchaff - west quay in brambles, then flew into power station grounds (IOY migrant)
Redwing - flock of 6 Middleton
Stonechat - male and female together along west side of recycling centre road

Ducks etc
Coot - pair Tim Butler pond, singleton no swimming pond - back from the brink!
Little Grebe - another blank
Tufted Duck - just 7
Gadwall - 5 (3 males)
Mallard - 6
Water Rail - 2

Barn Owl quartering Middleton last Monday at dusk (thanks Paul)

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