Thursday 25 February 2016

Backlog - sorry

Heysham Obs
Really sorry for no updates recently.  Thanks to Malcolm for most of this and Janet for the pic and Janet Greenwood for the Barn Owl report

MONDAY 22nd additions
Ocean edge saltmarsh
11 common snipe, 1 skylark. 33 linnet

Red nab
Slight increase in Wigeon to 138

Only birds in inner harbour were 5 roosting 2cy kittiwake.

The big news today was the presence of a male Pochard on the model boat pond (but not here on Thursday!).  Also c5000 Starling roosting on end of wooden jetty

Also on Middleton NR
8 mute swan, including 2 x 2cy, 4 coot, 11 moorhen, 3 mallard, 7 tufted, 26 teal Malcolm

2 Dotted Border

Barn Owl - one flying around Middleton NR early evening

Ocean Edge high tide
2 Jack snipe
12 common snipe
9 ringed plover
2 reed bunting
7 linnet

Nothing in harbour except grey seal. Malcolm

Two more Dotted Border

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