Monday 7 March 2016

Subtle migration

Heysham Obs
We haven't really got our act together yet with the vis mig, but the mist net put up for a short time by the office produced 6 new birds out of 6 caught - indicating something was happening to the odd Blue Tit, Long-tailed Tit and more routine Goldfinch and Greenfinch.

Middleton NR
It does seem that as soon as the Cetti's Warbler got its act together with its song, having been calling intermittently all winter, it then promptly cleared off to its breeding grounds

Pochard - just the one male today
Water Rail - 1+

Office area
New adult Blue Tit and new Long-tailed Tit in the mist net were the "highlights", along with a single Hebrew Character in the moth trap.  Best of the rest were a single new Goldfinch and three new Greenfinch

North wall
Goldfinch - 5
Linnet - 8

Wooden Jetty
Cormorant - 54
Herring Gull - 7
Great Black-backed Gull - 4

Near Naze
Knot - 1850
Oystercatcher - 120
Curlew - 6
Redshank - 2
Black-headed Gull - 1
Lesser Black-backed Gull - 1

Hebrew Character

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