Sunday 3 April 2016

Sandwich Tern

Heysham Obs
Coverage mainly around mist nets this morning with just a small sample of vis mig and short late morning visit to outfalls area

Vis mig
Lesser Redpoll - 2 caught - one a control D848 sequence
Siskin - at least one N
Meadow Pipit - sample of 51 NE in 20 minutes
alba Wagtail - 5 as above
Linnet - 13 as above
Reed Bunting - passage male caught

Meagre fare with fat scores suggesting many of the newly ringed 5 Goldcrest and 3 Chiffchaff were not new arrivals

No Wheatear seen (early morning and late morning coverage of Ocean Edge)

Big influx of large gulls with good numbers of imms - a good white-winger recipe - 280-300 around outfalls
Med Gull - 2CY tideline
Common Gull - 35 ish
Black-headed Gull - 6
Sandwich Tern - one flew out along the shipping lane .

March Moth a surprise in the context of this year!

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