Monday 2 May 2016

Early am

Heysham Obs
DM Arctic Skua north and climbing ahead of the weather front at 0718.  Wind switching to more favourable SW at c0930 - pity tide not later

A short spell of clearer weather produced two Arctic Skua in (dm and dark intermediate) circling low and flying in at 0854 (probably flushed off the sea by a rig supply boat).  Weather closed in again from 0915.

Gannet - 1
Red-throated Diver - one out (full summer plumage)

Middleton Nature Reserve 13:00 - 14:45
4 Tufted
I Gadwall (male)
Little grebe 2 (at least) adult + 2 chicks.
2 Cetti's warbler singing
4 Grasshopper warbler reeling
2 house martin (north)
45 swallow (north).

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