Tuesday 12 July 2016

Much quieter on the Heysham front

Bit of a change from yesterday with much reduced numbers on the outfalls, Red Nab and Ocean Edge.

Today's sightings thanks to AC, PW, JR, JP and MD

Best birds:
Whimbrel on Red Nab at low tide
Mediterranean Gulls - ad and 3CY at Ocean Edge at low tide and the 3CY seen later on the outfalls
Kittiwake - adult flew past as the tide rose.  A juv sat on the seawall at high tide
Bar-tailed Godwit seen at high tide
Little Egret - 4
A white-looking gull was seen this afternoon but not well enough to rule out leucistic Black-headed Gull. Worth checking again in case it's something more exciting!

Ringing 0630-1130
44 birds caught: 32 new and 12 retraps. Only 4 adults, the rest were this year's young.
Good variety (new birds only):
Reed Warbler (1)
Willow Warbler (1)
Chiffchaff ( 3)
Whitethroat (5)
Lesser Whitethroat (1)
Blackcap (1)
Goldfinch (3)
Greenfinch (7)
Chaffinch (1)
Great Tit (3)
Blue Tit (2)
Robin (2)
Wren (1)
Dunnock (1)
Great Spotted Woodpecker (1 retrap)

Photos showing the different eye colour of Whitethroat in an adult bird (upper photo) and young bird (lower photo)

Middleton NR this am - thanks Malcolm
There is certainly a feel of autumn now! Mute - pair with 4 young boating pond. Second pair (appearing to be bonding) on Tim Butler. Coot - 6 all mature Moorhen - 3 plus 2 immature Tufted - m & f together Mallard - 3 female type, one with 3 young Lots of small birds around, particularly common whitethroat. 5 males singing. 4 female type seen. One must have been adult female as it was protecting at least 3 newly fledged birds (surely local). Also heard singing: Blackcap 1 Sedge warbler 2 Reed warbler 1 Chiffchaff 1 House martin - 2 feeding Swallow - 5 feeding (near Tim Butler) plus 2 singles over to south. Swift - 2 feeding over boating pond at 10am. Increased to 10 by noon.

Middleton NR insects - thanks Janet.  The Ringlet was from a completely new area on the south side of the access road (the 'community woodland' bit):

Middleton NR later this afternoon - thanks Andrew and Pete W - Southern Hawker, Comma and many Gatekeepers seen in the afternoon sunshine

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