Tuesday 16 August 2016

Even sunnier easterlies and an early Spot Fly

Heysham Obs
A bit of a bonus this morning with winds much lighter than forecast so same again at Middleton.  In retrospect, we were too weighted towards Grey Wagtail (one over, not caught) and Tree Pipit (2 caught) with respect to MP3 players and might have been better off with Willow Warbler instead of Grey Wagtail.  Nevertheless, the colour-ring study does prompt use of the tape if there is any chance of catching any, but it does seem that the recent early movement was during the light NW winds, not so much these easterlies.  Probably the only site in the country where Whitethroat is still ahead of Willow Warbler as regards ringing totals this year!  A good year so far for Lesser Whitethroat as well with 43 ringed.

Ringing/observation at Middleton
Spotted Flycatcher - one 'bombed' through landing on top of a bush briefly allowing identification!
Tree Pipit - 2 ringed and no definite evidence of any others
Grey Wagtail - one SE
Water Rail - heard
Newly ringed warblers and others from memory:  11 Whitethroat, 5ish Willow Warbler, 1 Chiffchaff, 1 Sedge Warbler, 2 Blackcap, 2 Lesser Whitethroat, 2 Tree Pipit, 2 Robin.  No tits!

Red Nab/outfalls
Most of the time was spent trying I think successfully to read a German-ringed adult Med - a returning bird from the Hamburg rooftop colony.  Definitely 3 other adult/3CY, 2 2CY but no juvs seen and no time to check tideline to south

Included Bordered Beauty


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