Wednesday 10 August 2016

Ridge of plenty

Heysham Obs
A few weird things going on.  A Green Lovebird was near Ocean Edge caravan park/Nature Park associating with Goldfinch on Monday (per Janice Sutton).  Today we found out that the Heysham NR car park noticeboard was a pokespot, or whatever its called, giving some 'reward' to the hordes waving mobile phones around

After looking a heap of rubbish until the later forecasts yesterday, this morning was rather good with a three net session on Middleton west side producing almost 50 new birds.  The moths also produced three surprises in the form of Phoenix, Pale Prominent and, way ahead of its time, a pristine Pink-barred Sallow

Middleton NR
Decent fall of Whitethroat and Willow Warbler with a few other odds and ends.  A Willow Warbler with an interesting retrap history was caught.  Ringed on 7th September 2014 at Heysham, retrapped at Middleton on 8th September 2014, then nothing until today
Tree Pipit - 2 south
Swift - 2 south
Swallow - 20-25 south
Grasshopper Warbler - adult male retrapped (first ringed as 3J in 2014, no sign 2015, bred 2016)
Sedge Warbler - none seen/heard
Reed Warbler - 2 ringed
Lesser Whitethroat - 4 ringed
Whitethroat - 15 ringed
Willow Warbler - 11 ringed
Garden Warbler - 2 ringed
Chiffchaff - 3 ringed

Red Nab/outfalls/wooden jetty area
Wheatear - 2 on gravel by wooden jetty
Med Gull - 6 x 2CY, 2 x unringed juv, 4 x adult
Sandwich Tern - 1

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