Monday 5 September 2016

Hopefully the start of a good week for landbird movement

Heysham Obs
Its that time of year and drizzle until dawn and an east of south wind was worthy of coverage even if it did carry on for half an hour too long, delaying the mist netting, which probably let a few Blackcaps through.   The wind allowed three mist nets (couldnt have said that at previously exposed Middleton until the last three years or so)  and there was obviously something going on to the west allowing vis mig to get going, although the murky conditions meant only a handful of Grey Wagtail compared to Fairhaven

Vis mig Middleton
Grey Wagtail - 10 SE (2 ringed)
Meadow Pipit - 12 SE
Swallow - 34 S
Reed Bunting - 1 SE
Teal - 1 high to east
House Martin - 10 S
alba Wagtail - 13 SE

Newly-ringed birds included:  Blackcap (7), Chiffchaff (4), Grey Wagtail (2) and singles of Whitethroat, Lesser Whitethroat, Garden Warbler

Outfalls/Red Nab/Ocean Edge
Med Gull - at least 14 (3 juvs, 2 ad, 9 2CY)
far too many Black-headed Gulls to sift through - about 2,100
Greenshank - juvenile in OE saltmarsh channel

Ringing totals for August
 - pretty good considering the dearth of Swallows and Greenfinches:

Sparrowhawk (1), Long-eared Owl (1), Sand Martin (1), Swallow (82),  Tree Pipit (9), Grey Wagtail (3), Pied Wagtail (1),  Wren (19), Dunnock (8), Robin (23), Blackbird (9), Song Thrush (2), Cetti's Warbler (1), Grasshopper Warbler (3), Sedge Warbler (26), Reed Warbler (15), Lesser Whitethroat (35), Whitethroat (107), Garden Warbler (23), Blackcap (44), Chiffchaff (28), Willow Warbler (129), Long-tailed Tit (8), Blue Tit (26), Great Tit (14), Chaffinch (5), Greenfinch (34), Goldfinch (41), Linnet (1), Lesser Redpoll (1), Bullfinch (11), Reed Bunting (7)





  1. Hi Pete,

    Is there any chance you could photograph your Grey Wagtail set up and send it my way please? I know you explained it in the past but it would be good to see it in action.
    I've not yet tried for Grey Wags but have noticed one or two flying overhead when I'm out. Not sure if they are migrants or the same local birds but ringing would soon solve that!

  2. Really sorry Richard just seen this - and on forecast prob too late for this year. I'll contact you via your causeway coast site
