Thursday 20 October 2016

More migration

Vismig over the Heysham area from 0730-1030:
Pink-footed geese - 1085
Barnacle Goose - 2
Redwing - 86
Fieldfare - 30
Song Thrush - 1
Whooper Swan - 2
Siskin - 60
Redpoll sp - 1
Chaffinch - 64
Meadow Pipit - 17
Linnet - 19
Skylark - 21
Jackdaw - 32
Rook - 1
Carrion Crow - 13
alba wagtail - 23
Grey Wagtail - 2
Reed Bunting - 3
Sparrowhawk - 1
Great-spotted Woodpecker - 1

Ringing at Middleton NR (new birds):
Goldcrests dominated the catch.
Redwing - 6
Blackbird - 1
Goldcrest - 13
Chaffinch - 2
Chiffchaff - 1
Wren - 3
Reed Bunting - 2

A Cetti's Warbler was singing. A Little Egret flew over and two Goosanders dropped in briefly.

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