Sunday 2 October 2016

Redwing arrive along with an unexpected calm weather Sabine's Gull!

The Sabine's Gull was presumably that seen by Stuart Sharp at the northern end of Morecambe a couple of days ago.  Thanks to Gavin for the pics:



The first Redwing of autumn 2016 arrived this morning.
Headline birds
A juv Sabine's Gull was found on Heysham Outfall 2 by Mike Robinson. It "showed well", down to less than 10m and was still feeding on small fish on the outfall at 17:05hrs. It could well be the bird seen recently off the Stone Jetty and Hest Bank.
A Yellow-browed Warbler was heard on and off in the small trees at the northern end of the Model Boat Pond until noon at least (Malcolm Downham)
Two Pale-bellied Brent Geese were on an offshore skear at low tide.
A Kingfisher flew past the outfalls (A.Cornall)
Middleton Nature Reserve
Ringing 0630-1130
Glorious blue skies (see photo above) usually mean a "clearout" of night migrants and certainly all the warblers of previous days had disappeared.
Redwing 1 (adult)
Blackbird 1
Reed Bunting 6
Meadow Pipit 12
Goldcrest 5 plus 1 retrap
Grey Wagtail 2
Robin 1 plus 1 retrap
Wren 1 plus 1 retrap
Great Tit 1
Chaffinch 2
Blue Tit 2
Redwing 29 - flying fairly low and going in various directions.
Pink-footed Geese 165
Meadow Pipit 234 - still piling through
Linnet 9
Skylark 2
Swallow 7
Grey Wagtail 5 (2 ringed)
Siskin 6
alba wagtail 1
Raven 1
Buzzard 4
Kestrel 1
Sparrowhawk 2
Lesser Redpoll 1
Corvids 4 (Jackdaw and Crows)
A Small White was near Red Nab - a late date for this species

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