Sunday 23 October 2016

Slow going for an October easterly

Some blocking cloud over southern Scandinavia has seriously disrupted the supposed second wave from the east and even the east coast was relatively quiet.

Here it was scraps under the table with the potentially best bird calling but not playing ball on visuals in the awkward NE corner of Heysham Nr - a candidate for Siberian chiffchaff

Heysham Nr grounded
Chiffchaff - 1
Cetti's warbler - one calling early am
Goldcrest - 5
Blackbird - 20
Redwing - 4
Jay - 3

Middleton ringing session
Long tailed tit - 10, redwing 4 and singletons of reed bunting, chiffchaff, goldfinch and a few retraps

Vis mig
Brambling 1 E
Grey Wagtail 1 NE
Chaffinch 6 E
Skylark 14 NE
Pink-footed Goose 60 N offshore
Lesser Redpoll 1 E
Rock Pipit 1 SE
Meadow Pipit 13 E
Siskin 10 NE
Heysham Head
Grounded: Siskin 2, Meadow Pipit 5, Goldcrest 5
South Harbour wall area:Black-tailed Godwit 1 feeding by outfalls
Meadow Pipit 5
Wigeon 83
OE foreshore:
Meadow Pipit 3
Linnet 21
Snipe 2
Former Pontins:
Goldcrest 2
Meadow Pipit 2
Middleton NR South:
Grey Wagtail 1
Goldcrest 2

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