Tuesday 8 November 2016

Only one Waxwing and a new office

Heysham Obs
New office being installed lunchtimish

Hopefully significantly, at least one Twite was on the seed on the north harbour wall this afternoon

Waxwing - one sewage works entrance just dropping from treetops on to rowans when a van turned up and reversed and the warning noise spooked the bird and it headed off SW.  Probably just arrived (1030ish)

Chiffchaff - in line of screening planting running west from sewage works with a rather odd disyllabic call as you sometimes get from these late birds, but not Siberian.  Couldn't see it as spent the whole time on sewage works side of dense trees

Med Gull adult Heysham one

Starling - flock of c2000 north Middleton mid-am
Woodpigeon - flock of 14 Middleton

Redwing - at least 6 Heysham NR reserve entrance but no access to reserve for further checks

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