Wednesday 18 January 2017

Another Dull Day

Heysham Nature Reserve
A low key ringing session by John this morning at the Hut feeding station caught just 21 birds:
Blue tit - 4, no retraps was surprising
Long-tailed Tit - 1 plus 4 retraps
Great Tit- 3 retraps
Chaffinch - 1 plus 1 retrap
Goldfinch - 1 plus 3 retraps
Robin - 1 retrap
Greenfinch - 2

NHWall Feeding Site
17 Linnets there mid morning with 1 Goldfinch.

23 Linnets, 1 goldfinch there on Monday 16th and on Sunday 15th there were 10 Linnet, 1 Dunnock, 1 Robin and 2 Rabbits at the seed.
No sign of any Twite and no further information on the reported flock from last Friday.


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