Thursday 17 August 2017

Greenfinches back to form

The feeder nets next to Heysham nr office  were used today and produced 29  new greenfinch amongst a catch of over 60 birds.   Other species included willow warbler, chiffchaff, blackcap, reed warbler and whitethroat.

A visit to the outfalls coincided with a spell of blazing sunshine and the great mass of gulls on the sands to the south of ocean edge were black silhouettes against glistening wet mud.

Better luck the other way with 14 meds on red nab/outfalls including 7 juvs.

Green woodpecker again by reserve office

Vis mig
Swallow - 70 plus
House martin - loads for here - in excess of 50 plus  40 grounded briefly near ocean edge
Sand martin - 2
Grey wagtail - 1
Probable tree pipit heard once distantly flying over

Middleton NR
Mute Swan 9, Coot - 1, Mallard 9, Gadwall - 5, Tufted Duck - one, Moorhen - 5, Heron - 2
Also Cetti's Warbler

5 male Emperor and 6 Brown Hawker

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