Friday 29 September 2017

Mute Swan surprise

Not much on offer today with the biggest surprise being 8 Mute Swans which flew low over the sands from the south, landed off Red Nab for a few minutes before heading south again!  Odd.

Ringing totals for September
I'll add anything for tomorrow if the rain alarm allows anything to happen.  The rain alarm was a key feature this month along with the realisation that southerly sector winds were manageable at Middleton West up to about 15mph.  Indeed, one of the two mornings of crystal clear flat calm was like watching paint dry and a lot of the ringing was undertaken with the rain alarm being carefully watched, helped by plenty of visual notice of trouble.  We were very lucky compared to the surrounding areas.  New-ringed only:

Goldcrest (111) Chiffchaff (91), Goldfinch (60), Grey Wagtail (59), Greenfinch (53), Blue Tit (48), Blackcap (47), Robin (31), Great Tit (22), Meadow Pipit (20), Chaffinch (19), Dunnock (16), Wren and Reed Bunting (13), Whitethroat (8), Coal Tit (7), Lesser Whitethroat (6), Pied Wagtail and Willow Warbler and Blackbird (5), Reed Warbler and Long-tailed Tit (4) Garden Warbler (3), Sedge Warbler (2), Great-spotted Woodpecker, Cetti's warbler and Treecreeper and Swallow (1) (about 660)

Obviously these totals reflect the lack of opportunities in early September, due to "Leach's Petrel weather" (other than 1st-2nd), with eg few lingering Willow Warblers, the lack of anything much which could be traced from across the north Sea (eg again lack of late Willow Warblers with the Chiffchaffs and Goldcrests).  Blackcap were way below par at the back end of the month, Robin below par throughout, but we did really well for Grey Wagtails considering the lack of opportunity during the main passage period early in the month.  Please do look out for the colour ring combinations.   

Middleton NR (Malcolm)
Gadwall - 16
Tufted Duck - 4
Chiffchaff - 6
Pheasant - 4
Trickle of Meadow Pipit

Ocean Edge/Red Nab
Meadow Pipit - 14 SE
alba Wagtail - 12 in-off
Med Gull - 2 ad
Little Egret - 8 (highest count this autumn?)
Mute Swan - 2 Ad and 6 juv as above - one of the ads metal-ringed, rest unringed
Red Admiral - 5 south

2 Roe Deer and a Fox Middleton

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