Thursday 5 October 2017

Waifs and strays

Wind easing and moving towards west, but still too much for some.

Juvenile Gannet was sheltering in Harbour late morning, had moved on by late afternoon.

Juvenile Little gull on No.1 outflow in morning, again no sign late afternoon.

Adult Common Tern No.2 outflow. Did not arrive till almost high water. Looks to be the same bird that has been here for three days now.

1 adult and 1 juvenile Mediterranean gull also on No.2 outflow

2 Skylark grounded on small patch of grassed ground on wall side of wooden jetty.

Red Nab
3 Grey Wagtail
14 Wigeon

Ocean Edge
6 Little Egret
5 Wheatear
1 Greenshank
1 Black Tailed Godwit
1 Common Snipe
1 Rock Pipit

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