Saturday 24 March 2018

It’s back!

Chough seen and photographed on beach this am and in first field north of café at 1230
Iceland gull - 3s in harbour south end
Velvet scoter - offshore with eider
Red- throated diver - 8 circling up and heading over Barrow
Whooper swan - 5 North
Med gull - 3cy outfalls early am
Cetti’s warbler - singing central marsh near fence pond
Kittiwake - flock of c40 floating in on the sea
Brent goose - 12 on distant skeer just after low tide
Goldeneye - f/imm off north wall
Barn Owl - one Middleton again late afternoon - thanks Janet

Not a bad mainly on-going haul to compensate for a rubbishy migration day!!

alba Wag - 5 N
Meadow Pipit - 34 N
Grey Wagtail - 1 N
Robin - 4 in-ringed birds early am but not particularly light weight
Goldcrest - just two reported
Chiffchaff - singing HNR
Carrion Crow - 4 in-off then NE, 18 together Midldeton

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