Sunday 29 April 2018

Hooded Crow unattended

One of those days where most things went wrong!  Oversleeping until Ian's (gratefully received) text about the Hooded Crow heading generally up the Bay.  Fortunately it was seen exiting the recording area along the Kent Channel line from the Stone Jetty by Nick so we'll have it!

The main highlight was the first belated (ringed) singing male Grasshopper Warbler at Middleton NR, following yesterdays presumed (mist-netted) female.  Thanks for the pics from Middleton today Janet

Hooded Crow - seen exiting our area about 0837hrs, so where it was between the Rossall sighting at 0727 and then is anyone's guess but the Carrion Crows often sit on sandbanks and skeers until forced off by the tide at the last minute
Arctic Tern - distant flock of 30-35
Sandwich Tern - 2
Shag - 2CY on wooden jetty
Gannet - one very distant

Wheatear - 2
Chough - thought to have been heard very distantly x 3 by an experienced observer inland from the wooden jetty area but no sightings reported

Grey Seal - one offshore

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