Tuesday 8 May 2018

Pomarine Skua puzzle

A light morph adult pomarine Skua flew distantly out of the bay heading across towards piel island at 0907hrs.  Why did it not go overland in what were very clear conditions looking out of the bay?  Then realised the lune  valley and wray area was inundated with a band of slow moving low cloud on the outbound journey and a look inland revealed quite murky conditions and cloud-topped hills - not great for overland migration.  Nb bird wholly in Cumbria during observation
Common scoter - 5 out
Sandwich tern - c10 back and forth
Red throated diver - 2cy on
Shag - 2cy inshore having flown from wooden jetty direction

Not a lot else happened today but probably missed some Arctic Skuas earlier in am

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