Monday 26 November 2018

Hen Harrier harried

A ring-tailed Hen Harrier, the first for many years, was harassed by corvids on Middleton
Thanks Malcolm

Subad Shag on wooden jetty with 124 Cormorant
NO Common Darter seen on Middleton on last possible afternoon, weather-wise
Middleton NR rest
Main pond
Mute 8
Gadwall 20
Mallard 4
Teal 1
Moorhen 2
No swimming pond
Mute 2
Coot 1
Moorhen 4
Shoveler 2 (m&f)
Teal 2
Gadwall 6
Tim Butler pond
Moorhen 2
Teal 2
Water rail 1
New small ponds
Teal 2
Water rail 1
Meadow pipit 4 grounded
Green woodpecker 1
Common snipe 1
Woodcock 1

1 comment:

  1. We suspect we saw the same ring-tail Hen Harrier on the other side of the Lune - over the marsh by the footbridge where River Conder comes out. This was around 2pm and it was being harassed by two corvids!
