Thursday 1 November 2018

Just a wee bit late

The highlight was the first SINGING Cetti's Warbler for Heysham Nature Reserve (others have contact called or be seen on passage but this is the first one to sing)

Offshore at low tide - perfect conditions for viewing but no Slavonian Grebe
Eider - 510
Common Scoter - 2F together and 1M further out
Great Crested Grebe - 6

Vis 0800 - 0900
Blackbird - 60 moving inland through the bushes, all had gone by 11am
Song Thrush - 1
Mistle Thrush - 2 SE
Starling - 155 N
Redwing 3 N
Fieldfare 3 E
Chaffinch - 10N
Reed Bunting 1 S
alba wagtail - 1SE
Jackdaw - 1N

Raven - 1 "messing about"

Blackcap - 1
Goldcrest - 1
Coal Tit - 1

Water Rail - 1

Two Silver Y and a Winter Moth graced the office lights

Grey seal off Heysham Head close inshore 

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