Friday 4 January 2019


Adult Mediterranean gull on sea, out from Harbour, just before high tide.

Ocean Edge salt marsh - high water
Jack snipe 1
Linnet 15
Meadow pipit1
Lapwing 75

c6,000 Knot on shore just to south of salt marsh

Seaduck late afternoon
Eider - 185
Common Scoter - 3 f/Juv
Goldeneye - female north of the head - flew further north
Red- breasted Mergsnser - 2 redhead
Great crested Grebe - only two seen

Middleton NR
A very quick circuit of the reserve this afternoon with access limited by unsuitable footwear for the very high water levels.
Duck numbers and species much as in recent days.

Model Boat Pond:
Mute swan - 2 ad plus 4 imm.
Gadwall - 4
Tufted Duck - 2 (m+f)

No Swimming Pond:
Gadwall - 11
Shoveler - 2
Teal - 1  (!)
Mute Swan - 2
Coot - 1

Western Marsh:
Teal - 4
Snipe - only 1 seen flying

Fence Pond was birdless.

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