Friday 1 February 2019

Frisky foxes

Friday, 1st Feb 2019

Bit chilly today ranging from minus 4C to plus 3C, chilly ESE F4, weak sun shining through a veil of high cloud.

South Shore
A couple of foxes got a bit frisky out on the mud. The Gulls in the photograph below politely looked away and the Shelduck continued to feed, pretended nothing was happening
Meadow Pipit on Red Nab
Rock Pipit near jetty/inner harbour

North shore
Still a bit low-key at low tide with no sign of the Brents on the skeer. In the low-tide channel:
Great-crested Grebe - 6
Red-breasted Merganser - 3
Eider - 50 close in but no count of the ones further out

Middleton NR
No colour-ringed gulls on the ice today.
Barn Owl hunting alongside the model boat pond late afternoon.

31 Jan 2019
Nothing unusual about so here are some pics of the drab Gadwall and gaudy Shoveler on Middleton NR:

30 Jan 2019
Overnight snow and minus 3C. Daytime high plus 3C. SSE F2
Pink-footed Geese heard flying over the reserve but little else of note.

29 Jan 2019
Nothing to report

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