Tuesday 19 March 2019

Rockits and Mipits

A low key day with outbreaks of drizzle. Headline news: a rat caused mayhem in the wader roost on the old heliport. There were few birds of note:

2 Rock Pipits

A Chiffchaff was new in but passed through quickly
An elderly Chaffinch was recaught - 6 years old. Most Chaffinches only live 3 years (according to BTO Birdfacts) although a truly  ancient Chaffinch of 13 years 11 months was caught elsewhere in the country in 2011.

4 singing Cetti’s Warblers. This species in this quantity would have been the headline news a few years ago but now you can hear them on every visit all year round.

Green Woodpecker - 1 called from the golf course.

Meadow Pipit - 15 flew north.

Our very own Half Moon Bay will feature on TV tomorrow when the new drama The Bay begins on ITV. Don’t miss it!

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