Monday 1 April 2019

Canadian ringed Brents back

Todays migration seemed to be virtually all vis mig, highlighted by six Swallows feeding on the Middleton "no swimming" pond before moving on and a sample of 160 Meadow Pipit over the sea/along the coast 1015-1115 new time accompanied by 19 alba Wagtails and (over Ocean Edge), two northbound Twite

Not sure about Middleton, but Hey NR mist-netted grounded migrants limited to two Robin

Middleton NR
Stock Dove - one possibly two birds
Gadwall - 8
Teal - still two
Little Grebe - 1
Mute Swan - failure on main pond - egg found in grass, probably picked up by dog and dropped, like retrieving a ball - nest easily accessible

Coastal area
Pale-bellied Brent Goose - 19, including both Canadian birds and probably a new orange ringed bird but we are not sure
Red-throated Diver - 3+2 in but that was all as regards sea-passage in the hour
Meadow Pipit - c160 with others probably missed 1015-1115
Sand Martin - one north
Linnet - c10 north
alba Wagtail - 19 as above
Twite - two together quite low to north