Sunday 14 April 2019

Another trickle day

The 'star' of the show today was House Martin with the solitary vis mig 'landbird' seen during a 40 minute seawatch was one of these and a further 7 or so were seen at Middleton NR along with a couple of Swallow

Migratory sightings
House Martin - 8
Swallow - 4
Meadow Pipit - 6
Goldfinch - 4 high to NE
Red-throated Diver - three in summer plumage floating out on the tide
A couple of Willow Warbler and a single Chiffchaff in the nets at Heysham NR
No redpoll this am

Others at Middleton
Cetti's Warbler - four separate singing males this am on Middleton
Mute Swan - 3 pairs sitting
Gadwall - 4
Teal - 3 still lingering
Little Grebe - two NS pond, one TB pond


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