Sunday 7 April 2019

More about grounded migrants today

Decent cloud cover, murky offshore and a lightish easterly produced the goods this morning, although it would have been so much better if some loops in the mist net were not undone.  Most ringers will have experienced the frustration of fiddling around with loops whilst the early morning potential dose of Lesser Redpoll buzz away overhead.   So much easier to catch them at a garden feeder whilst sat in an armchair.  It was still worth the ringing effort though with eg double-figures of new female Chiffchaff in the nets.  Three office nets and two below the old tower site.

Wheatear - minimum 25
Chiffchaff - 11 females ringed, at least 7 others
Willow Warbler - 4 males ringed and at least one other through early on
Blackcap - 3 ringed and at least one other migrant singing male
White Wagtail - one in horse paddock (IOY)
Goldcrest - 2

Vis mig
Lesser Redpoll - 5+3+2+2+1, all before about 0715 - two of the last three ringed, then one at 1300.
Meadow Pipit - only about 55 recorded
alba Wagtail - 8 NE
Sand Martin - 1 NE
Swallow - 2 NE
Whooper Swan - 4 NW
Siskin - 2+ NE
Linnet - 8 NE

Great-crested Grebe - 16 in low tide channel
Eider - 460
Red-breasted Mergsnser - 6 off head, 2 red nab
Little Egret - 11 on skeers
Brent geese - flock of 5 low past Half Moon Bay heading north 16:15. Only seen from behind, the rear birds were pale-bellied.
Shag - 3cy on usual routine below Heysham Head in channel on incoming tide (later seen from SJ)

1 Common Plume

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