Tuesday 16 July 2019

Rapid blue eyes

Middleton NR
A good description of what seemed to have been a male Southern Migrant Hawker on Middleton NR this afternoon.  Unfortunately very mobile and not attached to any water body and only a distant blurred record shot was possible

Red-veined Darter - as yesterday still one male at least
Green Sandpiper - Tim Butler pond

Common Sandpiper - main pond
Little Grebe - adult feeding juv today.

Due to transport logistics, a late start but still a decent ringing session of stuff moving about in the cloudy conditions, notably Blackcap and Whitethroat.  The session ended with a Magpie!

Red Nab
Still juv Med Gull but most of the others already displaced by tide

Wooden jetty area - 3.5hr before high tide am
Mediterranean gulls - 9 including one, almost read, white darvic ringed bird.
Rock pipit - female with, one each, first and second brood young.

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