Tuesday 23 July 2019

Where did they go?

Just when you think you understand some wildlife behaviour, nature seem to take great delight in proving you wrong (MD).
There were 32 Mediterranean gulls between No.1 outflow and wooden jetty yesterday. Today, at the same stage of tide (11:45) there were just 3. Then they got fed up and left. Checked again in evening, still only 3 (2 adult plus a 2cy). 1 juvenile on No.2 outflow.

Rock pipits - 1 Red Nab. 2 near lighthouse

Decent ringing session at Middleton this with just over 60 birds all but five or so new unringed.  Included two Grasshopper Warbler (with another singing) and good numbers of Whitethroat and Blackcap.  Below par with Willow Warbler and no sight or sound of any Cetti’s or lesser Whitethroat

There is still at least one male Red-Veined Darter on main pond at Middleton Nature Reserve.

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