Saturday 17 August 2019

Cumbrian Bonxie

Seawatching from Knowlys road on the early incoming tide was beset by continuous sunlight and great detail on vehicles on Barrow coast road, so a complete blank might have been in order.  However:

Great Skua - one distantly in, then lost after switching to following the scoter flock
Common Scoter - 6 out (flock)
Sandwich Tern - ad out

Red Nab/outfalls
Med Gull - 26 plus feeding between Heysham one and the wooden jetty including white LCG.  Later 56 on Red Nab, the most seen here in one scope view, albeit from half way along Ocean Edge
18 2CY, 8 juv, rest Ad/3CY
Little Gull - adult outfalls

Rock Pipit - looks like worn adult - by the lighthouse - usually one or two still around the breeding site area

1 comment:

  1. 30+ Med gulls, dip feeding between outfalls.
    26+ Turnstones on rocks at OF2.
    Rock Pipit, near start of sea wall.
    All 14:30 - 16:00 Sat. 17th
    Thanks to visitor centre staff for guidance.
    Common blue butterflies by the dozens, gatekeeper, painted ladies, green veined white, small white, red admiral, specklewood all seen, between centre & sea wall (RATHER WINDY!)
    Katie Ahcroft
