Wednesday 25 September 2019

Chiffchaff day

Limited coverage today to mist netting and vis at Heyshsm and Middleton

More tomorrow but the day included:

Whitethroat - late bird Heysham NR
Chiffchaff - 22 ringed, mainly Heysham
Blackcap - about 12 ringed
Grey Wagtail - just two over and one ringed
Reed Bunting - 7 migrants ringed at Middleton

Middleton Nature Reserve -early afternoon
House Martin 1
Gadwall 16
Tufted 1
Little grebe 3 (1sp)
Plus this shoveler like duck, with dubious pedigree (MD)

Still plenty of dragonflies when the sun cam out. Brown and Migrant Hawkers plus Common Darters.

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