Thursday 12 September 2019

Rain forming overhead!

The rain alarm was not much use today with a decision to ride out an early short flurry because of a ‘long gap’ being a bad move and wet furled nets were eventually brought in to dry at a site where you just cannot risk leaving them overnight, especially with the ‘nobody tells me where I cant pick my blackberries’ brigade! So a forecasted three hour ore rain session ended up as one and a half rounds.
This was highlighted by two Goldcrest, a Robin and  Blackcap.

Vis for what it’s worth comprised a Linnet, a Reed Bunting, 5 Chaffinch, 4 Meadow Pipit

The coast was equally unremarkable with nothing like yesterday’s Med numbers and low figures of Wheatear and the now ubiquitous petrosus Rock Pipits from the breeding pairs

A Rusty Dot Pearl graced the moth trap

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