Wednesday 4 September 2019

Shame it wasn’t the second day of near gale

Seawatching was hard work today with an average of about one Leach’s per hour over the tide and not a lot else other than a small collection of inshore waifs

Leachs Petrel - two singles and two together 1200-1545 with none later despite two supposedly heading our way past the Stone Jetty (photographed)
Manx Shearwater - one on sea briefly and likely to have been the tired bird also seen on sea off Jenny BP
Kittiwake - just two ad and one 1cy on outfalls
Common Tern - two ragged adults outfalls
Arctic Tern - Juv harbourmouth briefly perhaps also ad outfalls
Shag - 1cy early in tide sequence
Little gull - usual ad
Med gull - c15
Knot - 2220 south
Ruff - one south with high flying Curlew flock (bird of the day here!)
Wheatear - 4

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