Wednesday 2 October 2019

An odd day!

This was a strange day.  It was open house as to what might happen in crystal clear cold northerlies although Pink-footed Goose movements above and Goldcrest below seemed predictable.  However was expecting a reasonable amount of small passerine vis but it didn’t really happen, unexpectedly so in the case of Meadow Pipit

Vis middleton NR dawn-1100
Meadow Pipit - SIX SE!
Chaffinch - c10 SE
Alba Wagtail - 4 SE
Grey Wagtail - c8 SE
Carrion Crow - 10 S
Song Thrush - 2 plus 1 E
Reed Bunting - c7 S
Pink footed Goose - c420 S
Goose sp - flock south heard not seen could have been distant Barnacle on call
Skylark - c7 S
Long tailed Tit - irruptive flocks of 11 and c9
Goldfinch - c5 S

Willow Warbler - one heard
Garden Warbler - lingerer with F3 ringed
Chiffchaff - just four ringed
Blackcap - just the one ringed
Goldcrest - no more than 10-15

Middleton Nature Reserve - mid afternoon (MD)
Although not hot, the bright sunshine today allowed plenty of insect activity.
Black Darter - one, possibly two mature females along west bank of main pond (these pics are same insect)

Common Darter  33
Brown Hawker 1
Migrant Hawker 9 - including female ovipositoring

Red Admiral 1
Comma 1
Painted Lady 1
Speckled Wood 1

Little Grebe - at least 2
Cetti's warbler - male singing from central marsh

This Grey Wagtail in Heysham garden was ringed on Middleton Nature Reserve 19/09/19,

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