Wednesday 23 October 2019

Lie-in birding

The cutting edge dawn coverage is getting a bit blunted as the winds don't look brilliant for any major new arrivals.  However, maybe we should be in filter-down mode and hope for a bluetail taking off overnight from an obscure Scottish coastal glen.  This morning saw a rather late start with arrival coinciding with the biggest Chaffinch flock and high-flying Carrion Crows.  The first hour had been missed!

Vis 0830-1030
Woodpigeon - 134 NE (flock 120)
Stock Dove - one with large WP flock
Jackdaw - 44+32+23 single-species flocks south
Carrion Crow - 22 S (max flock 10)
Chaffinch - 205 S
Goldfinch - 45 S
Greenfinch - 32 S
Skylark- 10 S
Redwing - just 13 S (but late start)
Fieldfare - ONE south
Sparrowhawk - one high SW
Siskin - 3 S
Bullfinch - 10 S (inc flock of 6)
Starling - 66 SW
Linnet - 2
Pink-footed Goose - one flock of 120
Meadow Pipit - 2
Long-tailed Tit - c10

Very little - two new Goldcrest caught, a Chiffchaff heard and about 15 grounded Blackbird audible from around the office

New birds:  11 Greenfinch, 3 Chaffinch, Goldfinch, 4 Long-tailed Tit, Coal Tit, 2 Goldcrest, Great Tit, Blackbird

Small Tortoiseshell, 2 x Speckled Wood, Common Darter

Middleton Nature Reserve - mid morning
(Not much!)
Gadwall 13
Coot 1
Water Rail 3
Cetti's 1 male singing
Redwing 6 grounded 4 south
Jackdaw 23 south

South Shore - mid afternoon
Common Darter - typically just one between dog walk and Red Nab, untill the last 20m of wooden fence, where 8 were sunning themselves.

The last three sections of fence, just 50m from Red Nab, had 3, 3 & 2 each.
Another "red bodied" darter was seen in scrub near lighthouse. There has not been a record of common darter here this year. Presumably this implies some sort of movement in the SE wind. (MD)

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